Sunday, October 28, 2018

Blessed are the Pure in Heart, October 26 2018

Lord Jesus,
Please show me what is between us, give me a repentant heart.
Help me to be ready to do whatever it takes. We need to be right. There is no substitute for a clear conscience. The world sings around you. The dogs don't bite. The unicorns lay their heads in your lap.
And I want to see You.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Prove Something, October 22 2018

Please forgive me, Father, for wanting to prove something more than preserve and promote flourishing, shalom. Please protect others from me. Please convict me of sin, and assure me of freedom. Please draw me to purity: to real love of the GOOD.

Aftershock, October 11 2018

I woke up this morning around 9:30, aching and bleary and with a splitting headache. I also bled onto my sheets. My body held off during the taut days of preparation, and rolled in with a rush this morning. I made tea and hand-washed my laundry in the sink, in a quiet fog. I had a little yogurt with Mom and Dad, and went back to bed. I was mostly in bed all morning.

I keep thinking about yesterday. It brought people together. It told us that we really were safe, to be hurt and even to be ridiculous. How do we accept that we WILL be messy, make other people's lives harder and more complicated? We might actually be burdens.

I love life so much.
I love You, God. After big vulnerable open emotional/spiritual events, it's easy to retract and feel too naked or strangely discolored. Easy to suddenly not feel any of it. "Was that real? Do You exist, God?" And You continue the same. So gracious. Never canceling Your welcome. 

The Mug, for M., October 5 2018

I am drinking decaf tea out of a mug
that says, Will you be my maid of honor?
It came unexpectedly yesterday afternoon,
responsibly nestled in an Amazon box,
with a note from my brother's fiancĂ©e. It was
a complete surprise. I didn't expect to be
in the bridal party at all, I hardly know her,
but she knows what I mean to my brother,
and we are going to be sisters.
When my brother was born, I was disappointed
that he wasn't a girl. But he is giving me a new sister.

This afternoon I used the mug for the first time,
finishing off last season's pumpkin spice coffee
that my Dad had carefully labelled in a peanut butter jar.
He measured out the grounds into his French press,
I sniffed the past-date cream.
We practiced alchemy in our steaming mugs:
the perfect balance of fat and sweetness,
to our taste. We toasted. And we talked,
in the leisurely way you do when having coffee.

We talked about a lot today. At lunch,
we talked about rape culture, the blame put on victims,
the way I've found it difficult to speak up
or blow the whistle when I've been harassed.
I didn't tell my Dad particulars. I didn't
tell him how I gave away my favorite green dress
because too many men made comments, and one was suggestive.
I wanted to be a virtuous woman, not an object.
A maid of honor. I was comforted to see
that even though my Dad could not relate, he cared.
He didn't invalidate. I was safe.
I thought I might say more another time.

He just knocked and came in to say goodnight,
and to show me something he found in the cupboard:
a packet with a pot's worth
of pumpkin spice coffee.
He said Mom will join us next time. 

I Love My Life, October 4 2018

I love my life. I am writing this in pen. 

A Rustle in the Thicket, October 3 2018

In her profile picture she looked clean and polished and linear. She's more like a rustle in the thicket.
She was very friendly and open with me, which was refreshing. Still, I felt babyish and compromised by my knowledge of her "status" - wanting to act natural and normal and interested, but not like a fangirl.

Passion and Purity, September 23 2018

Just now I was reading "Passion and Purity" and remembering when I first read it, at the Cove. I was startled again by Jim's senior year rumspringa, and by his mother's take on his indecisiveness. So easy to be cynical. And hypocritical. And despairing. I feel so much sin in myself, seeking opportunity. So much absurd and perverted sin. I even have to be willing to let things that were "OK" once be "not OK" now. If they distract.

Manna Time, September 19 2018

I got a Rewards coupon for A.C. Moore in the mail today. That's a real blessing right now. I feel like this is manna time. Certainly circumstances encouraging dependence, and prohibitive of saving. "Foot to mouth" as I call it sometimes. And yet I'm so thankful for this opportunity. In this land of entitlement, I can take just a little bit less for granted.

I want to be wilder. Freer. More courageous and trusting and playful and bold. Please help me, Father. 

The Munchies, September 16 2018

I'm feeling flighty, have "the munchies" in general.
Thank You for giving me hope, and satisfying me even when I'm belligerent and picky and pouty. You are my satisfaction, and I believe it even though I don't always feel it.

Yellow Jacket, September 14 2018

I woke up early, went outside briefly. And I just had this nightmarish experience of a buzzing fly in my sleeve. I started to carefully unbutton the sleeve to free it, only to see it escape along my arm - a yellow jacket - and go buzzing around my room. I must have picked it up by the flowers outside, an hour ago?! It's truly amazing it didn't sting me.

I found the yellow jacket on my window. I spent rather a long time trying to coach it outside. It was a weary little thing. I felt an obligation to it, though I also noted a callous urge in my impatience, to squash it and have done. But I made a tenuous, sort of sacred decision to be gentle. To save it. To wait a bit while it preened and adjusted itself. Finally I trapped it on the outside of the glass, on the screen just above the opening. I left it to find its way.

He Had No Beauty, September 13, 2018

Thanks for feeding me. Please help me to enjoy this life, and to be effervescently in love with You. To do the hard work of seeking and waiting and obeying, so that I really know You, really love You.


Bright and Salty, September 21, 2018

I'm not good at knowing right and wrong, in myself. I need Your help, Your love, Your wisdom. I need to not be afraid. Maybe not watch the pole dancing, yes, but not ignore the brokenness of the world.

I care SO MUCH about what people think of me. Whether or not I'm seen as kind and intelligent and accepting and loving. Please help me be bright and salty. Don't let me water You down one ounce. Give me Yourself - neat.

Of course You will keep asking me to enter messy life - why does that surprise me? Please help me to learn to walk with You in peace and holiness. Thank You for caring so tenderly about everything You've made. Please show mercy.

Out of Place, September 10 2018

It did make my hackles rise to hear terms like "comfort zone", "box", and "personal" used to describe my art and life, but I think I was able to acknowledge and respond, and to let You remind me who I am.

This place isn't designed for artists. These values are different from mine. Help me keep working to redeem, preserve, revitalize, transform. Do that through me; I can't do it.

The Twelfth Pair of Oxen, September 10 2018

What was Elisha doing, before You called him? Before Elijah threw his cloak around him? Prepare me. I want to be ready. Plowing with the twelfth pair of oxen. Help me to be faithful in small things. 

Alexandria, September 9 2018

A GPS is a wonderful thing. And You are superior.
I'm here in Alexandria, in the office. Perhaps where I stayed all those years ago, and was troubled that C came in unannounced in the morning. It was his office, after all, and he needed things. I was horrified.

This is definitely a bachelor pad. No curtain in the bathroom. No soap at the sink. No dish drainer. And the spaghetti squash has been sitting on the counter since April. But J is a good host. He came out to meet me and parked my car for me. We made chicken and lentil pasta (edible). I made us tea and we watched "The Informant!", and I gave him a back massage. He's taking me to work with him tomorrow. He told me he is proposing to A this Thursday.
They're talking now. 

What I'm Standing On, August 31, 2018

Thanks for the times that You let my world shake and remind me what I'm standing on.

Covet Those Trees, August 29 2018

Thank You for the sweet, smokey, muggy familiarity of the yard at night.
I loved standing in the front lawn, facing the street, because the neighbors' maples felt personable and connected, and in the darkness I didn't feel exposed by the road. I do covet those trees a little.
But there they are, and I get to enjoy them. 

I Can Run and Run and Not Outrun You, August 29 2018


I am having an Artist Date Day. I thought I should write a haiku. I looked for something ordinary to inspire me, and saw the word "paint" on the blackboard.

I have been reading a lot of Guernsey today, fit to finish it. I like it, though the movie was a little more innocent, I think. Juliet was a little less Harriet Vane.
But I like Harriet Vane. And I like this book.

One thing it is bringing to mind is how different and interesting people are, and how it is possible and necessary to love them. I think I am still Pharisaical, and also afraid not to be, because I forget, Jesus, that You were not. And I want You most. Please help me. Because I know You call me to holiness and obedience, and not therapeutic deism.
Show me who You are, don't let me make You in my image. Thank You for being big enough to handle all of this, and everything, ever. I can run and run and not outrun You.