Monday, January 7, 2019

What is it? December 12 2018

You gave Your Son, Your life. How will You not also graciously give me all things? Whatever I need to live in a way that honors You. Whatever I need to know You better. Whatever I need to survive.
I think I will wear my plaid dress today. And choose gratitude. And choose joy. And choose to believe in your abundance, because You can bring money from a fish's mouth. And choose to let you wring me, drop by drop, because that's what I asked to be: used. And because something about that sounds like Your beautiful holey hands holding me.
I don't actually want to be independent. (Freudian slip! I wrote "dependent" first). I want to have to ask You for bread. I want to wake every morning to manna, in wonder. What is it? This is my body, broken for You. Give us today our daily bread. Create in me a clean heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 

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