Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Chanticleer, October 25

I'm so full of things I want to understand.
Why I have this gross heartburn, for instance. Why my car is running rough. Why I feel the way I do about my work, and about my future.
I'm inconsistent. I've been letting a lot drop.
But all is not lost.

Chanticleer was so delicious today. And the "soaking" wandering we did for the first 90 minutes was glorious. I nuzzled basil, touched a carp on the forehead (who had just gaped at my finger as if to swallow it), read Jane Eyre on a stone chair, watched chipmunks and a slug and 2 (mating? fighting?) dragonflies. Avoided the gossamer yardage of a spider's web only to blunder into it later, bringing a sassafras leaf to Mom.

I loved wandering alone, letting everything come to me as it would. 

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