Sunday, February 17, 2019

Murica, January 29 2019

I live here, and I take a lot of things for granted, but I get fed up. I find so many things unconscionable. It would be difficult to live with a person like that...especially in the States. I've already admitted I don't want the American Dream! Will I be a pain to live with? Dealing with guilt, with cognitive dissonance? Preaching at everyone, judging people who, in their own minds, are living normal reasonable responsible lives?
Where are the prophets? Who will shake us up? Am I here to be comfortable, or to pour myself out?

Oh God. Keep me, keep me looking at You. You care about justice for the oppressed. You love the poor. You are their advocate. You bless those who give their lives to serve the unwanted. You want all of us. You tear down princes from their thrones, and lift up the humble. You turn our weakness into strength. You desire truth in the innermost parts. You give wisdom. You reward those who wait for You. You move mountains when we have faith, are obedient. You do not want anyone to perish, but all to live. 

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