Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Every Which Way, October 15 2019

The discount grocery store was very nice today. Miso soup ingredients, beans, shampoo, more tea, grain for hot cereal, maple syrup, potatoes.

A young guy there seemed to be aware of me (it was mutual, although I'm far too old), and when we were actually alone in an aisle, I assiduously avoided acknowledgement and eye contact, which then made me feel brutish and dull.

Because, if I could have just been natural and friendly, I could have helped a young man have a good day. Could have helped him feel magnanimous and significant, like an active participant in society. Instead, I pretended he was invisible, because I felt awkward.

I don't think I'm overdramatizing the effect we have on strangers, by our attitudes, actions, words. Please forgive me. And help me not be such a tomb. I treat every warm feeling as danger. Help me trust You and go forward boldly, and bodily, too. Loving and unafraid. Preaching the Gospel every-which-way. 

*Note to Self*

Nail polish is a pain and you don't like it. Don't be seduced by the pretty colors. Anything other than a fast-drying clear is more trouble than it's worth.
Venture out again at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you.