Friday, October 31, 2014

Kingdom VI: Bare

Trees flame at the top and drop their leaves,
arching dark and elegant below. Bare and barely
recognizable. This is their gift. Their worship
clumps below like so much refuse,
knowing in itself that it has lived.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Kingdom V: Small Sweet Fruit

I barely slept before I woke in horrible darkness, my right arm
dead numb from the shoulder. I've been lying here sobbing.
Make some kind of beauty out of this.
Make the groove very deep, grow
small sweet fruit in my fresh-cut soil.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Kingdom IV: No Earthly Silence

You know how I desire to do right,
and how I want to be desirable.
So here is what I need: more stolen hours
to be pursued by You, made secure and incandescent
till no earthly silence quells me. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Kingdom III: Egg Yolk

Help me not become small and bitter.
Wean me, also, from the desire to be
extraordinary. I'm Your egg yolk. Subsume
me, grow large on me. Hatch with eyes open.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Kingdom II: Elbows

Whenever I feel you are holding me at the elbows
squeeze them a little
until I know I'm only fighting what I love,
and we can feed on my embarrassed laughter as I swallow,
dig into your chest. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kingdom I: Purple-Deep

It's nights like this when my lips are purple-deep
and my eyes darken,
subdued by a steady passion that renders
into ash the fuel of self.
You could blow me away.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

One Single Afternoon

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and I wonder
if You've made any progress with me.
I know You must be the loyallest Gardener. I need You
to prove that, because one single afternoon
can set me wild, wilted,
half rotted. Clip, tend, water me into pure abundance.
Abundance. I like the "dance" in that word. {Parts of today were
so low I had to sing
to fight it + Patrick's Breastplate is a You-send =
then I got so mellow & content. What precious friends You've
given me}.

Goodness often looks like bright plastic fruit. Help me  s  m  e  l  l
the aroma of Your table. Hot-diggity-believe it. Work up/with appetite.
Wake up the sleepy spirit in me,
answer my prayers in the ugliest hours.
Feed me like a baby bird (I'd like to fitintoYousnugly,

to crow
with love over
every good thing).